The D33 meeting is held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. This monthly business meeting is for District service position holders, D33 group/meeting GSR’s and AGSR’s, as well as any AA member that is interested in the business conducted in District 33.
Join us at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 117 East Arch Street, Fleetwood, PA 19522 (map & directions)
The next meeting is Thursday March 21, 2024.
D33 meets In PERSON ONLY.
The next “District Night Out” is at “The Bottom of the Barrel Group” in Blandon, Tuesday 3/12/24@730PM. Hope to see you there!!
The District Inventory scheduled for 1/6/24 has been postponed because of the weather event. 4/27/24 is being checked into as a new date. Stay tuned for a new date!!
The latest version of the District 33 structure manual is available here