Alcoholics Anonymous has a vast selection of information available in multiple formats and languages. Many are offered on line to view or purchase from the website. Visit the site and browse the available literature selections from pamphlets, books, flyers, guidelines and E-books. There you will find many items of interest to members and anyone seeking information about alcoholism, and the recovery program of AA.
Reading-Berks Intergroup also provides AA conference approved literature to the districts, groups, various committees, and individual members through its literature committee.
The most current list of current pamphlets & books that the Literature Representative has in stock is HERE. If you have questions or additional requests, you can reach the committee at Literature@ReadingBerksIntergroup.Org
Below are documents with QR codes that link to pamphlets. They can be printed & placed on tables at events, hung on a bulletin board, used for those who don’t care for a paper document, when pamphlets are not available, or other reasons as appropriate.
This is a work in progress, more to come as they are developed.
Pamphlets P-1 through P-19
Pamphlets P-20 through P-35
Pamphlets P-36 through P-51
Pamphlets P-54 through P-91
There is a vast selection of Grapevine & La Vina Literature available from your group, district, or Intergroup Representative. Grapevine Inc. publishes a vast array of books in addition to the Grapevine monthly magazine. Choose a grape bunch icon to visit the Grapevine/LaVina websites.