Contact Us

How to Contact Us,
because your input is important.

You can reach Reading-Berks Intergroup using the appropriate method listed below. 
If you have pertinent and appropriate links, announcements or information to share, please forward to:

Our Mailing Address is:

Reading-Berks Intergroup
PO Box 12157
Reading, PA 19612


You can contact an individual committee Chairperson or Representative by email here⇓

Position/Current Chairperson or Representative

2023-2024 Panel

Chairperson-Kay L.

Alternate Chairperson-Dave K.

Treasurer-Gregg G.


Men’s Prison-Robby K.

Women’s Prison-Lorraine

Alternative-George “Stu” S. 

Unity-Jen L.

Bridging the Gap-Kent S. 

CPC/PI-Jen P./Bill M.

Visitation-Tim M.

Hotline-Bill M.

Archives-Shirl O.

Literature-Bill C.

Schedules-Tim M.

Institutions-Mark S.



To reach individuals at each of the 3 districts in Reading-Berks Intergroup, visit the Local District information page.

Service position holders with a Reading-Berks Intergroup email address  can log onto their account here.
You will  still need to enter your email address and password to access your account from this link.

Check yourRBI Email here!