SEE NOTE:Women’s Hope With AA
Meeting Information
Friday, to 8:00 pm
- In-person
- Closed
- Wheelchair Access
- Women
Closed meetings are for A.A. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and “have a desire to stop drinking.”
Women's Hope With AA is celebrating their anniversary on June 28. Join them for Food, Fun and Fellowship at this OPEN event. To access and share it from within the app, open the meeting listing in the phone app. Scroll to and click on the "view web page" button. Scroll down and click on the "chain link icon" box located directly above the date stamp that says "last updated"
Meeting is held upstairs in the choir room.
Contact Information - Updated June 15, 2024
St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church
3 other meetings at this location
1188 Benjamin Franklin Hwy
Douglassville, PA 19518